Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Minutes from January 27th

Hey Guys and Gals!
First I wanted to wish you all a happy spring semester and that I hope you get lots of opportunities to get out there and shoot some awesome photographs!!
I know most of you were not able to make it to our first meeting of the semester yesterday, but that is ok, because I am going to let you know what is going on this semester. We have a lot of fun stuff in the works and we really hope all of you can join in on the fun!

At the meeting we discussed things as follows:
1. T-shirts-We will be getting one this semester. We are thinking about a Baseball tee (white shirt with black sleeves and collar) with the F64 logo on the front in black, or just a plain black shirt with our logo in white depending on the cost. We will be increasing our dues this semester, but the increase will include a free shirt!! Woohoo! But in order to get the shirts I need to know how many to get and also what sizes, so please get back to me on that.
2. Fundraisers-Due to the overwheming success we recieve each time we have a bake sale with ad club, we will be having one this semester befor spring break. The dates of this will be March 3rd and 4th and we are asking everyone to either donate some goodies or some money to this fundraiser. Another fundraiser in the works is a pancake breakfast the week before finals in conjunction with ad club...that's right folks...we are going to get along with them!! There will be more details on that one later.
3. Spring break trip- The trip to New York will take place during spring break. They will be leaving the first Saturday of Srping break and return the following Saturday. The tenative schedule is: Leave UCO, drive to Nashville, stay one night. Drive to Washington DC, stay one night, Drive to NYC, stay three nights, drive to Indianapolis, stay one night, dtive home, stay however long you like. The projected cost right now is $500 and will be available to 11 students on a first come first serve basis. See Jesse for more details.

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